
Showing posts from December, 2022

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Nutritional Facts & Health Benefits of Corn

The use of Corn in cuisines around the world is common to everyone. Even though many people enjoy Corn, they are unaware that it is a very nutritious food. A leading corn exporter in Pakistan , Polson Food is one of the most prominent companies in the sector.  It contains many vitamins and minerals, such as thiamin, along with 88 calories per Corn on the cob. You may not expect it, but this easy-to-find, budget-friendly grain is also a good source of carbohydrates and protein. Corn Nutrition Guide Approximately 88 calories are found in one medium-sized ear of Corn (6 3/4" to 7 1/2" long), as well as 1.4 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrates, and 3.3 grams of protein per ear. Corn contains several vitamins and minerals, including thiamin, C, E, A, fiber, and potassium.  Carbs Each ear of Corn contains 19 grams of carbohydrates, making it one of the highest carbohydrate foods. It is worth noting that fiber makes up 2 grams of those carbohydrates, while natural sugars make up

A Brief Guide about Wheat Production in Pakistan

A nutrient-enhanced wheat variety is gaining popularity in Pakistan thanks to its increased food security, higher incomes, and health benefits. Pakistani wheat flour, or atta, provides 72% of the caloric energy in the average Pakistani diet. Pakistan depends mainly on this crop for its food, which is better from a nutritional standpoint than most cereals and other foods. Approximately 25 kg of wheat is consumed per capita in our country each year, the highest amount in the world, with our consumption being 124 kg per capita. We can see from the above fact how vital wheat is to our country. Consequently, climate and weather variations directly affect the country's economy and social balance every year by affecting the total yield of wheat. Rabi crops are grown in winter, including wheat. Wheat is sown in Pakistan between October and December and harvested between March and May. November and December are the sowing months of wheat in Punjab, while April and May are the harvesting m